There are two Park Island WhatsApp Groups currently in operation, intended strictly for the use and benefit of Park Island residents.
Group |
Purpose |
PARK ISLAND Security |
Active crime-related alerts and urgent security information |
Information of value specifically to the Park Island community |
Should you wish to be added to any of these groups please send an us email with your details:
Who is included?
All interested residents of PARK ISLAND, including owners and family, tenants and family, and those currently living away from Park Island but who retain a property interest here.
The General Golden Rules of the Park Island WhatsApp Groups
• Content shared is for members only, and should not be redistributed to any third party unless permission has been sought, and such permission should be unanimous.
• BE RESPECTFUL. No jokes, religious and political opinions, hate speech, racism, and vulgar language are allowed.
• Respect your peers and ensure your posts are inoffensive and not inclined to provocation.
• Bear in mind that tone and meaning can be misinterpreted in a text. Pick your words carefully.
• Consideration must be given to the varying age groups of members.
• The groups may be used to post relevant Park Island information, such as what would impact your immediate environment or day-to-day activities.
• Check your sources before sharing information that may be fake (or old) news.
• Switch to private messaging if the conversation becomes relevant to only a select few.
• Post in one chunk of text, rather than several text chains.
• Do not post data-heavy videos/images.
• No advertising or spam is allowed.
• You do not need to respond to every post; if a question is asked and you don’t have the answer, it is acceptable not to react.
Three questions to ask yourself before you post on WhatsApp
1. Is this relevant/appropriate to all in the group?
2. Is this necessary?
3. Is this a good time?
Infringement of the Rules
If you find another resident’s post problematic in some way, please contact that person directly rather than objecting on the Group chat, which can fuel strong emotions and hasty judgments. If you feel the matter is unresolved via that route, contact the Administrator(s).
The Group Administrator(s) retain the right to remove any content not relevant to or in contradiction with the rules. If a member of the group(s) repeatedly falls short of what is requested in these guidelines, the Administrator will contact said member and, if all else fails, may remove the member from the group(s).
PARK ISLAND Security Specific Guidelines
The PARK ISLAND SECURITY group exists as an emergency group in respect of security. Emergency personnel are in the group and can assist if you require urgent assistance. I.e. If there is a home invasion in progress, shots being fired or theft in progress; and you need assistance urgently then this is the group to use - emergency personnel will react immediately. Conversations and discussions should not occur in this group because emergency/security personnel stop responding urgently when it is flooded with chit-chat.
Crime-related information should be considered sensitive but it is understood that the group is an ideal platform to report suspicious behaviour and concerns around security.
The group does not replace your personal armed or medical response services, but if in an emergency, urgent help or assistance can be requested.
What topics are excluded?
• Anything and everything that is not specifically security-related and related to our area is excluded from this group.
Administrators will immediately remove any messages or content not related to our security concerns.
PARK ISLAND General Specific Guidelines
The PARK ISLAND GENERAL group exists as an open space for residents of PARK ISLAND to share information, requests, questions and ideas amongst themselves, in the expectation that this kind of exchange will help build a sense that we live amongst friends and can support and be supported by each other in good times and in need. Its focus is strictly on our shared life here in this place and excludes matters of wider national or global importance.
What topics are ideally suited?
Requests for information about local suppliers, resources, places, etc. News about travel problems that might affect residents. Observations of the delightful or puzzling that show up hereabouts…? Alerts about local matters that may be of use to residents to know.
What topics are excluded?
• Religion or Politics of any kind
• Generally Sensitive topics. Be Respectful: You may not use threatening, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language and swearing is not allowed.
• Terms and comments of a sexual nature are not allowed.
• Jokes made elsewhere (text / memes / videos / etc.) and forwarded to the group. These often are accompanied by a tag “Forwarded Many Times”.
• Wishing everyone a happy day or such-like unnecessary ‘small-talk’.
Etiquette for the PARK ISLAND General Group:
• Time boundaries. Post between 07.00 and 21.00 only.
• Declare your source when forwarding a post from elsewhere on to the group.
• If you want neighbours to watch a video clip, explain what it is, as well as where it comes from.
• Be conscious that your post may be read by any or all of your neighbours – pause a moment before hitting Send.
• Go easy on the ‘Thank you’s’ and related emojis. These may sometimes be better sent directly to the person you’re wanting to respond to, rather than to everyone.